

Operation Manager & Lead SENCO

About Me:

“A teacher plants the seeds of knowledge, sprinkles them with love and patiently nurtures their growth to produce tomorrow’s dreams”

As a mummy of two busy little children, I understand and respect the importance of ensuring every child receives the best OUTSTANDING childcare they deserve.

I believe children learn best when feeling safe and secure within their environment. Learning takes place through play, especially focused activities within their interests, engaging their imagination and expanding their knowledge of the world. Creating and extending opportunities for children through their play has always been my passion and I take great pride in supporting my team to educate our children in this way. I believe encouraging children to be confident, independent, and full of self-worth is key to giving them a firm foundation on which to build their future. I strive to ensure that communication is high quality

I hold a Bachelor of Education Foundation Stage degree, Quality Teacher Status and qualifications in Business Administration and Management alongside completing my Operations Management Course within childcare. I have over 18 years of experience within the childcare sector which mostly is within Early Years. My vision is to create an outstanding learning environment where children feel safe, unique and are valued.